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Sunday, December 31, 2017

src: pictures.dealer.com The Allstate Corporation is the second largest personal lines insurer in the United States (behind State Farm) and...

Argosy University
src: content.edmc.edu Argosy University is a system of colleges owned by Dream Center Education Holdings (DCEH), LLC as of November 2017, w...

University of Illinois College of Medicine
src: www.aavmc.org The University of Illinois College of Medicine offers a four-year program leading to the MD degree at four different sit...

Gustavus Franklin Swift
src: www.americanantiquarian.org Gustavus Franklin Swift, Sr. (June 24, 1839 - March 29, 1903) was an American business executive. He found...

Divorce in the United States
src: divorcescience.files.wordpress.com Like marriage, divorce in the United States is under the jurisdiction of state governments, not the...